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Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Special Education Content Specialist02/20/2025District AdministrativeDistrict OfficeApply
Reading Interventionist Teacher (2025-2026 school year)02/18/2025CertifiedBethel Elementary SchoolApply
Executive Director - Olde English Consortium02/14/2025District AdministrativeDistrict OfficeApply
Elementary Teacher (2025-2026 school year)02/13/2025CertifiedBethel Elementary SchoolApply
Physical Education Teacher (2025-2026 school year)02/12/2025CertifiedNinth Grade CampusApply
Elementary Special Education Teacher Multi-Cat 2/3 (2025-2026 school year)02/10/2025CertifiedDistrictApply
Chorus Teacher (2025-2026 school year)02/10/2025CertifiedOakridge Middle SchoolApply
Middle Level ELA Teacher (2025-2026 school year)02/10/2025CertifiedThe Academies of CloverApply
7th Grade Science Teacher (2025-2026 school year)02/10/2025CertifiedClover Middle SchoolApply
7th Grade ELA Teacher (2025-2026 school year)02/10/2025CertifiedClover Middle SchoolApply
Business Teacher (2025-2026 school year)02/10/2025CertifiedClover Middle SchoolApply
Elementary Teacher (2025-2026 school year)02/10/2025CertifiedCrowders Creek Elementary SchoolApply
Art Teacher (2025-2026 school year)02/04/2025CertifiedClover Middle SchoolApply
8th Grade Science Teacher (2025-2026 school year)01/31/2025CertifiedOakridge Middle SchoolApply
Instructional Teaching Assistant Special Services (2025-2026 school year)01/29/2025ClassifiedClover High SchoolApply
JV Assistant Competitive Sideline Cheer Coach01/27/2025CoachingClover High SchoolApply
Registered Behavior Technician01/06/2025ClassifiedBethel Elementary SchoolApply
Pre-K Disabilities Special Education Teacher (2025-2026 school year)01/06/2025CertifiedBethel Elementary SchoolApply
Business/Computer Science Teacher (2025-2026 school year)01/06/2025CertifiedApplied Technology CenterApply
Bus Driver (2025-2026 school year)12/12/2024TransportationTransportationApply
Social Studies Teacher (2025-2026 school year)12/09/2024CertifiedClover High SchoolApply
Special Services Instructional Teaching Assistant10/01/2024ClassifiedBethel Elementary SchoolApply
Assistant Coaching08/07/2024CoachingClover High SchoolApply
Adjunct Choral Position08/06/2024ClassifiedClover High SchoolApply
Deaf & Hard Of Hearing Teacher (part-time)05/30/2024CertifiedDistrict Resource CenterApply
Start a Certified Application05/30/2024CertifiedDistrictApply
Start a Classified Application05/30/2024ClassifiedDistrictApply
Cafeteria Operator (part-time)05/29/2024Food ServiceDistrictApply